Larry Lemke

Larry Lemke

Former Wings of Hope Board Chairman and volunteer pilot Larry Lemke explains why dedicating his life to God's service includes helping people around the world through a planned gift to Wings of Hope.

"In December 1993, I took early retirement after 30 years at McDonnell Douglas Corporation and dedicated the rest of my life to God's service. Within a couple of years, I identified exactly what that meant: It meant religious (presently pastor of Zion Lutheran Church), social (past foster parent and chairman of the board of Lutheran Family and Children's Service), and humanitarian service.

"I became involved with Wings of Hope in 1995, serving in many volunteer positions, including pilot, chief pilot, board member, 11 years as chairman of the board—and finally as chaplain.

"Very simply, Wings of Hope's humanitarian work is about providing hope and help for the needy people of the world. What better way to leave a legacy of love than supporting this organization that helps so many?

"God has blessed us all with time, talents and treasure. Some of us have more of each of these than others. Wings of Hope has many volunteers who have time and talents but limited treasure. Those folks are the organization's heart and soul. Others have some of all three—and what better way to ensure that Wings of Hope lives on forever than to give to the endowment that will keep us providing that hope and help to the people who need it the most.

"As a Wings of Hope volunteer, I was blessed with the opportunity to see firsthand what our gifts are doing to help folks around the world. I know that my gifts to Wings of Hope will continue to provide that."